Amidst the intense rivalry between the University of Utah and Brigham Young University (BYU), an unexpected figure has emerged as a focal point – Utah Jazz owner Ryan Smith. Smith, a prominent figure in the sports and business world, has unwittingly found himself at the center of the cross-town collegiate rivalry.

The Background

Ryan Smith, the co-founder of Qualtrics, a software company, made headlines when he purchased the Utah Jazz in late 2020. His ownership of the NBA team brought him into the limelight, but his connection to the Utah-BYU rivalry runs deeper than basketball.

Smith’s Allegiance

Despite his ownership of the Utah Jazz, Ryan Smith is a proud alumnus of Brigham Young University. This allegiance to his alma mater has raised eyebrows among fans of the University of Utah, traditionally the Jazz’s local fan base.

Impact on the Rivalry

Smith’s public support for BYU has added a new dimension to the age-old rivalry between the two universities. His presence at BYU games and social media posts celebrating BYU’s successes have not gone unnoticed by fervent Utah Utes supporters.

The Controversy

Some fans have criticized Smith for seemingly favoring BYU over the University of Utah, leading to debates and discussions both online and offline. The rivalry, already intense, has been further fueled by Smith’s involvement.

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The Future

As the Utah Jazz owner, Ryan Smith’s actions and statements will continue to be scrutinized in the context of the Utah-BYU rivalry. Only time will tell how his role in this sporting feud evolves.

For more information on Ryan Smith’s role in the Utah-BYU rivalry, you can visit The Salt Lake Tribune.

Stay tuned for further developments in this intriguing saga!