Fathom, a renowned distributor of event cinema, has experienced a remarkable year filled with successful events and limited releases, leading to a significant rebranding as Fathom Entertainment. This strategic move comes as the company aims to expand its reach and offerings in the entertainment industry.

Record-Breaking Success

Throughout the past year, Fathom has set new records in the world of event cinema, captivating audiences with a diverse range of offerings. From live broadcasts of opera performances to screenings of classic films, Fathom has consistently delivered high-quality entertainment experiences that have resonated with viewers worldwide.

Key Highlights

Some of the key highlights of Fathom’s successful year include:

  • Breaking attendance records for live events
  • Partnering with major studios for exclusive limited releases
  • Expanding its network of theaters and venues

Rebranding as Fathom Entertainment

In a strategic move to align with its evolving business model and growing portfolio of offerings, Fathom has officially rebranded as Fathom Entertainment. This new identity reflects the company’s commitment to providing diverse and engaging content to audiences worldwide.

Future Endeavors

As Fathom Entertainment, the company plans to continue pushing boundaries in the entertainment industry by exploring new partnerships, expanding its event lineup, and leveraging innovative technologies to enhance the viewer experience.

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For more information on Fathom’s rebranding and upcoming events, visit here.


As Fathom Entertainment continues its journey of providing exceptional cinematic experiences, audiences can expect to be enthralled by a diverse array of events and limited releases. Stay tuned for the latest updates and immerse yourself in the world of entertainment with Fathom!